In this video from Ascension Presents, Fr. Mark-Mary describes a very useful three-step reflection and prayer for each day during Lent. This can be done silently or with the use of a journal.
1 – What are my current emotions?
Begin by asking yourself how you feel and take the moment to recognize it.
(Ex: joyful, peaceful, anxious, stressed, annoyed)
2 – Why?
Ask yourself why you feel that way.
(Ex: sports team won, lots of assignments to do, difficult exchange with family member)
3 – Deeper why?
Figure out what your motivation is for what you’ve been doing.
(Ex: meeting expectations, conflicts from the past, fear of rejection)
This motivation, which we can view as our ‘deeper why we feel and act in a certain way’, is what we bring to the Lord in prayer.
We can treat this little way of praying each day during Lent as a sort of desert spirituality, where we put ourselves in a vulnerable state of being authentic about how we feel. This can lead to an authentic encounter with the Lord to allow us to be healed by the fullness of Christ.