Category: Bible Study
Why Is Polygamy OK in the Old Testament?
The traditional Jewish view is that God permitted polygamy but did not approve of it and gave every indication that it was wrong. It becomes more obvious with the fullness of revelation in Jesus Christ.
The Need for Assistants (Acts 6)
The need for deacons is introduced in chapter six of Acts with the choosing of seven righteous men.
Does the Bible Support Slavery?
How to handle a classic moral objection: the Bible is an evil book because it supports slavery (thus disproving Christianity and theism by implication).
The Flesh and the Spirit
What’s the flesh? The flesh is the inner child inside of us and we often recognize the voice.. You may have heard it this morning when the alarm went off.
Doubting Thomas and Mercy
Thomas believed in Jesus. He had followed Jesus and had made the decision to set his life by Jesus. Now, Jesus had been killed – even dying the death of a common criminal. The weight of the world’s sin, violence and injustice had crushed Thomas’ hope.
The Beginning of the Galilean Ministry
Christians see differently, and that is why their prayer, their worship, their action, their whole way of being in the world have a distinctive accent and flavor.
Ascension Thursday
Priests known from their channel as Coffee-N-Clerics discuss Ascension Thursday.
The Guiding Light of Christ
Light shines on the people of the early Church to perform the three essentials: serving the poor, worshiping God, and evangelizing.
The Good Shepherd Leads Us Out Together
The religion revealed by Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, is not an individual, private religion. It is not limited to a personal relationship to Jesus.
Importance of the Acts of the Apostles
The Acts of the Apostles is recommended reading to learn about the early days of the Church, and to find out the early statements of what they were trying to communicate.